Maria's Math News
Maria's Math News is my email newsletter for all of us who teach math – whether parents, teachers, tutors, or others. It was first published in 2006 under the name Homeschool Math Newsletter. On this page you can subscribe to the newsletter or to view the past volumes.
The topics in the newsletter include math teaching tips and ideas, math-related news, news about Math Mammoth books, math resources, humor, and giveaways.
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By subscribing you will also receive:
A GIFT of over 400 free worksheets and sample pages from my books.
Archive of past volumes
- February 2025: MM news, add & subtract fractions, free math card games book, Division and Its Discontents, Guess My Number, just for fun!
- January 2025: Comparing fractions activity, MM scope and sequence, how should students show their work for math word problems, the number 2025, and just for fun!
- November 2024: Fractions or decimals first, Formulaic thinking, Fraction & decimal activities and games, Scholarships from Brighterly, and just for fun!
- October 2024: MM news, Can AI do math?, grading tests, filling in MM files on a tablet, addition & subtraction equations worksheet, and just for fun!
- September 2024: MM news, calendar activities, request, how would you solve 31 x 12, and just for fun!
- May 2024: MM news, Keep numbers lined up, videos for grade 8, printing to A4 paper, and just for fun!
- April 2024: MM news, manipulatives in MM, a beautiful puzzle, US vs UK math terminology, and just for fun!
- March 2024: MM news, showing work for math word problems, geometry scrapbook, calendar activities, and just for fun!
- February 2024: MM news, Leap year, Living and Loving Math, Puzzle Corner was too easy, just for fun!
- January 2024: MM news, PEMDAS, A basic principle of math teaching: Know Your Tools, Doing math with AI, just for fun!
- Black Friday sales for MM products 2023
- November 2023: MM news, What about grading?, A basic principle of math teaching: Remember the Goals, division with remainders, just for fun!
- October 2023: MM news, interactive times tables course, Let It Make Sense, algebra 1 curricula & resources, just for fun!
- September 2023: Giveaway, Don't assign all the problems!, unit chats, game for the order of operations, game for ordering fractions, and just for fun
- August 2023: MM news & sales, MM in a spiral way, geometric transformations, using MM in tutoring, and just for fun
- May 2023: MM news & sales, complex fractions, what about calculator use, and summer math
- April 2023: MM news, What to do after MM7, A student's response to a pattern, Beach comparisons game, Polykite hat, and just for fun!
- March 2023: Long division - online practice, Misconception concerning decimals, Number Bonds game, Acing Math card games, and just for fun!
- February 2023: A misconception about fraction multiplication, sorting game for Pre-K, Secret codes and basic algebra, interactive multiplication course, and just for fun!
- January 2023: Introduction to Functions, PEMDAS, why are fractions difficult, interactive multiplication course, 2023 Year Game, and just for fun!
- November 2022: Resources for telling time, algebraic puzzle, Make number sentences - a NEW game, concerning mental math, and just for fun!
- October 2022: Linear Equations 2, resources for the times tables, word problems, encouraging story of using newspapers for math, MatheMagic, and just for fun!
- September 2022: Placement tests, farmer's horse problem, median game, fraction game: My Closest Neighbor, just for fun!
- August 2022: An interactive multiplication tables chart, proofs for children?, problems with perimeter, Mamut Matemáticas, Katherine Johnson
- June 2022: Exponents & Scientific Notation, End-of-year award, interview of me, multiplication flash cards, Minimalist Math Curriculum, Summer math
- April 2022: Geometry 4, when to use flashcards, the "bestest" math game ever, a story problem about horses, and just for FUN!
- March 2022: Basic addition & subtraction facts, challenging problems in math, Your age by chocolate math, it's snowing angles! And just for FUN!
- February 2022: Visualizing factors, drilling times tables, geometric art project, data science course, and just for FUN!
- January 2022: Fruity Math game, patterns in Pascal's triangle, skip-counting by fractions, and just for FUN!
- November 2021: Delaying formal arithmetic, visualizing probabilities, Multiplication Tic-Tac-Toe, 1/198,001, and just for fun!
- October 2021: Speed in math, multiplication table searches, Hexingo - order of operations game, virtual dice roller and coin tosser, and just for fun!
- September 2021: Saxon Math vs. MM, MathFails - photos from real life where something's wrong, positive attitude, tick counting on rulers, and just for fun!
- August 2021: Sales, "Make Multiplications" game, improving mental math, "bubbles" for the order of operations, timed tests, and just for FUN!
- May 2021: Shopping game & counting coins game, strategies for pesky word problems, measurement units matching game
- April 2021: Area Maze game, a mom gives a homeschool lesson with MM, 100-chart game, the first 1000 numbers versus chips, and just for fun
- March 2021: Teen's Guide for Home Buying, Area & perimeter builder, European notation for solving equations, just for fun
- February 2021: Problem solving, Never give up, Rounding rules for estimating, just for fun
- January 2021: 2021 Year Game, end of Flash, Bingo games, puzzle worksheets, just for fun
- November 2020: Making mistakes, multiplication tables, curriculum conference, puzzle corner & problem solving, just for fun
- October 2020: Addition & subtraction facts, games, divide decimals by decimals, the most important question to ask in math
- September 2020: MathFails, KenKen puzzles, the problem with word problems, safe distance applet, and more!
- May 2020: A fraction chart, the math game that's worth 1,000 worksheets, the impossible sum puzzle, A Kid's Guide to Saving: An Interactive Workbook, and just for fun!
- April 2020: Math games, free ebook, Dreambox, simulating disease with mathematics, and just for fun!
- March 2020: Math facts, sieve of Eratosthenes, teaching word problems, the equals sign, "How to Learn Math" course, and just for fun!
- February 2020: Math Mammoth testimonial, Factris game, addition & subtraction of fractions online practice, decimals problem, movement during math class, and "just for fun"!
- January 2020: A number talk, Deep Sea, number-grid game, mathematical art: afghans and origami, Two-Dice Sum game, and lots of "just for fun"!
- November 2019: Why are fractions so difficult, spiral multiplication game, Understanding the concept of division, digit disguises, inspirational video from a young mathematician, and just for fun
- October 2019: Where do I start?; NEW at Math Mammoth Practice; Listening to students' reasoning; Learn to recognize coins
- September 2019: Videos for Math Mammoth curriculum; telling time, elapsed time; multiplication games with dice; measurement misconceptions; just for fun
- May 2019: Mental math online practice, Thoughts on testing, Fraction Fill-In game, dice games
- March 2019: Online practice for addition & subtraction facts and for fact families; estimation; growth mindset; Fold & Cut video; You Tube, I Phone
- February 2019: Exponent rules, Toy Theater games, Infinity Tiles, Magic Crosses and Matador Dominoes puzzles
- January 2019: What's in the name "Math Mammoth", plus games, Game for factors and multiples, extra math materials, 2019 Mathematics Game, 😀 "Home School" "Word Problem" 😀
- November 2018: Preschool math with a 100-bead abacus; abacus and the concept of division; worksheets for the order of operations; perfect parent; a word problem with NO question...?!?!
- October 2018: An algebra word problem; mean, median, mode lesson;
addition & subtraction facts, a question relating to tests, struggling with arithmetic
- September 2018: Find factors puzzles, TIP: don't assign all the exercises, a broken calculator game, and a NEW geometric shape!
- July 2018: Virtual manipulatives, unit chats, how mathematicians found primes in the past, paying kids to do math homework???
- May 2018: MM & spiraling, 100-chart for math facts, algebra curriculum, the most important skills at workplace
- April 2018: Attitude towards math, word problems, math symbols, algebra 1 resources
- March 2018: Multiplication dot cards, Once Through the Deck review game, more videos for 5th grade, study order for Blue series books
- February 2018: The different series of MM books, the largest prime to date, discontented with division, a beautiful puzzle
- January 2018: Light Blue series overview, missing numbers in addition, the order of multiplier & multiplicand, problem with pentagons, number sense for 7 × 9
- Volume 112, November 2017
- Volume 111, October 2017
- Volume 110, September 2017
- Volume 109, August 2017
- Volume 108, May 2017
- Volume 107, April 2017
- Volume 106, March 2017
- Volume 105, February 2017
- Volume 104, January 2017
- Volume 103, November 2016
- Volume 102, October 2016
- Volume 101, September 2016
- Volume 100, July 2016
- Volume 99, May 2016
- Volume 98, April 2016
- Volume 97, March 2016
- Volume 96, February 2016
- Volume 95, January 2016
- Volume 94, November 2015
- Volume 93, October 2015
- Volume 92, September 2015
- Volume 91, May 2015
- Volume 90, April 2015
- Volume 89, March 2015
- Volume 88, February 2015
- Volume 87, January 2015
- Volume 86, November 2014
- Volume 85, October 2014
- Volume 84, September 2014
- Volume 83, July 2014
- Volume 82, May 2014
- Volume 81, April 2014
- Volume 80, March 2014
- Volume 79, February 2014
- Volume 78, January 2014
- Volume 77, November 2013
- Volume 76, October 2013
- Volume 75, September 2013
- Volume 74, August 2013
- Volume 73, July 2013
- Volume 72, May 2013
- Volume 71, April 2013
- Volume 70, March 2013
- Volume 69, February 2013
- Volume 68, January 2013
- Volume 67, November 2012
- Volume 66, October 2012
- Volume 65, September 2012
- Volume 64, July 2012
- Volume 63, May 2012
- Volume 62, April 2012
- Volume 61, March 2012
- Volume 60, February 2012
- Volume 59, January 2012
- Volume 58, December 2011
- Volume 57, November 2011
- Volume 56, October 2011
- Volume 55, September 2011
- Volume 54, Summer 2011
- Volume 53, May 2011
- Volume 52, April 2011
- Volume 51, March 2011
- Volume 50, February 2011
- Volume 49, January 2011
- Volume 48, December 2010
- Volume 47, November 2010
- Volume 46, October 2010
- Volume 45, October 2010
- Volume 44, September 2010
- Volume 43, September 2010
- Volume 42, July 2010
- Volume 41, July 2010
- Volume 40, May-June 2010
- Volume 39, April 2010
- Volume 38, March 2010
- Volume 37, February 2010
- Volume 36, January 2010
Some special ones:
April 2020 — Poems
April 2021 — Parables