Maria Miller Hello again!
  1. MM news: online practice for addition & subtraction facts; group buy
  2. Growth mindset (grades 1-12)
  3. Estimation (grades 1-12)
  4. Fold and Cut Theorem — Numberphile (grades 1-12)
  5. You Tube, I Phone

1. Math Mammoth News

  1. The GROUP BUY for large Math Mammoth bundles is open at Homeschool Buyers Co-op!

    This is a tradition going back quite a few years now... a group buy in March, during their "Math Madness" month.

    Take part here.
  2. New in the Math Mammoth online practice section!

    You can now practice single-digit additions (basic addition facts) and corresponding subtractions (basic subtraction facts) at the Math Mammoth online practice section.

    The main purpose is to help 1st and 2nd grade students cement these facts to memory.

    You can also choose missing addend problems.

    There are some options for the addition problems it generates, such as doubles, doubles + 1, and add to 9 or 8. These correspond to the main mental math addition strategies that are explained in Math Mammoth curriculum.

    Hope it helps!😃

    You can ALSO practice fact families (addition & subtraction)!

    Fact families is one of the main approaches I've used for addition & subtraction facts in the Math Mammoth curriculum. For example, in the online practice program, you could choose to practice fact families with 6. This means you will get addition & subtraction problems like what you see in the picture below — and also including missing number problems.
  3. I know I've mentioned this several times before... but there are always new followers who haven't heard...

    Someone (again) had asked me a few months ago concerning my article about pre-algebra and algebra curriculum to use after Math Mammoth, so here is the link again.

2. Growth mindset

Here's an encouraging video from a school (St. Alphonsa Catholic Elementary School, Ontario, Canada) that has adopted "growth mindset" type of thinking: actively teaching students that mistakes (in MATH) are OK to make, and that you learn from them.

One student described their previous school, where math lessons consisted of doing worksheets, handing them to the teacher, and being told, "You did this wrong." Now... in this school, they do a lot of groupwork and learn from each other, learn different ways of looking at problems. A great change!

Your mindset has a LOT to do with how much math (or anything else) you can learn! Someone who believes they "can't do math" won't learn much.

The video is in the middle of this page.

3. Estimation

Photo by Piotr Janus on Unsplash
Someone asked about estimation...
My daughter just completed the Chapter 2 test in Grade 5-A. I am curious if there are specific rules concerning estimation and, if so, where those are talked about in your curriculum. And if not, is it because numerous answers are correct and accepted for these problems?
Yes, indeed. Estimation is not an exact science, so there's not just one possible "right" answer.🙂

The idea is to round the numbers in such a manner that you can calculate mentally with them. But how well people do with mental math varies. So, in estimating 56 × 2.84, one person might round 56 to 55 and another person to 60, because that one person is able to calculate mentally 55 × 3 but the other person is not (so they go 60 × 3).

[The exact answer is 159.04. So, 55 × 3 is definitely closer — a better estimate — than 60 × 3.]

In some particular grade level I have included the principle that if you multiply, then it helps to reduce the error of estimation if you can round one number up and the other down (instead of rounding both up or both down).

Also, obviously, you want to round the numbers as little as possible, so as to reduce the error of estimation. But the main goal is to just get children used to estimating so they can catch gross errors in calculations, and be able to estimate, say, bills in grocery store etc. Estimation also helps us to check if a result we get from a calculator is correct.😄

4. Fold and Cut Theorem — Numberphile

Here's an enjoyable math video for students and parents/teachers alike. It's about folding and cutting... but it still IS very much about math — because the lady models the basics of mathematical thinking in a wonderful way as she goes on cutting... 😃

5. You Tube, I Phone

This will make you laugh out loud! 😅 From Facebook...

You Tube, I Phone

Thanks for reading! :)

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Till next time,
Maria Miller

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