
Video lessons for elementary geometry topics

This is a collection of free video lessons for elementary and middle school geometry topics (grades 1-7). Please choose a topic from the list below.

Shapes: grades 1-3

These videos match topics in Math Mammoth Early Geometry worktext (Blue Series).

Basic shapes (grade 1)

Rectangles and squares and geometric patterns (grade 2)

Some special quadrilaterals (grade 3)

Area and perimeter: grade 3

These videos match topics in Math Mammoth Early Geometry worktext (Blue Series).


Problems with perimeter

More about area: Area of rectangles and the distributive property

Area units

Problems to solve: area of rectangles

Area and perimeter problems — rectangular shapes

Area and perimeter: grade 4

This video matches a topic in Math Mammoth Geometry 1 worktext (Blue Series).

Area versus perimeter

Angles: grade 4

These videos match topics in Math Mammoth Geometry 1 worktext (Blue Series).

Lines, rays, and angles

How to use a protractor to measure & draw angles

Estimating angles

How to draw a right angle (perpendicular line) and a rectangle

Polygons: grades 4-5

These videos match topics in Math Mammoth Geometry 1 worktext (Blue Series).

Polygons — introduction


Acute, obtuse, and right triangles


Grade 5

These videos match topics in Math Mammoth Geometry 1 worktext (Blue Series).

Review of angle concepts

Area and perimeter problems

Classify triangles

Classify quadrilaterals

Volume of a rectangular prism and cubic units

Grade 6

These videos match topics in Math Mammoth Geometry 2 worktext (Blue Series).

Area of parallelograms and triangles

Area of polygons

Find the area of a triangle by drawing and measuring the altitude

Surface area

Introduction to conversions between units of area

Volume of rectangular prism with fractional edge length

Grade 7

These videos match the topics in Math Mammoth Geometry 2 and Math Mammoth Geometry 3 worktexts (Blue Series).

Unknown angle problems

Angles in a triangle

Drawing geometric shapes with given conditions

Drawing triangles with given conditions

Pi and the circumference of a circle

How to calculate the area of a circle, plus simple proof for the formula

Surface area word problems

Volume of prisms and cylinders

The Pythagorean Theorem

Applications of the Pythagorean Theorem 1: area of an isosceles triangle

Applications of the Pythagorean Theorem 2: diagonal of a square

Applications of the Pythagorean Theorem 3: volume of a triangular prism

Applications of the Pythagorean Theorem 4: perimeter of a trapezoid

See also

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