Math Mammoth Grade 3, Canadian Version
Math Mammoth Grade 3 Canadian Version is a complete math program for third grade, available both as digital and print versions.

182 pages
162 lesson pages

163 pages
147 lesson pages
2024 edition:
Grade 3-A contents and samples
Grade 3-B contents and samples
User Guide (2024 edition)
2021 edition:
Grade 3-A contents and samples
Grade 3-B contents and samples
User Guide (2021 edition)
Scope and sequence
Worksheet generator preview
Prices & ordering
You can purchase Math Mammoth Grade 3 as a digital download or as printed books.
Digital version
2024 edition
Grade 3 complete
USD $42.50 (download)
(the two worktexts, answer keys, tests, cumulative reviews, a worksheet maker, Soft-Pak)
Part 3-A only
USD $21.25 (download)
(Everything for the first half of 3rd grade math; includes Soft-Pak)
Part 3-B only
USD $21.25 (download)
(Everything for the second half of 3rd grade math; includes Soft-Pak)
2021 edition
Grade 3 complete: USD $42.50
(part A and B worktexts, answer keys,
tests, mixed reviews, worksheet
maker, and Soft-Pak)
Part 3-A only: USD $21.25
(part A worktext, part A answer key,
tests, cumulative reviews, worksheet
maker, and Soft-Pak)
Part 3-B only: USD $21.25
(part B worktext, part B answer key,
tests, cumulative reviews, worksheet
maker, and Soft-Pak)
Printed copies
2024 editions (at
3-A worktext $25.65 CAD
3-B worktext $24.15 CAD
Tests & Cumulative Reviews $16.35 CAD
Answer keys $20.30 CAD
Amazon and other bookstores: search with the ISBN numbers.
3-A worktext 9781954379091
3-B worktext 9781954379107
Tests & cumulative reviews 9781954379114
Answer keys 9781954379121
2021 editions (at
3-A worktext $22.85 CAD
3-B worktext $21.40 CAD
Tests & Cumulative Reviews $13.40 CAD
Answer keys $11.75 CAD
Amazon and other bookstores: search with the ISBN numbers.
3-A worktext 9781954358485
3-B worktext 9781954358492
Tests & cumulative reviews 9781954358508
Answer keys 9781954358515
To go with the printed student books, you can purchase the digital version of the supportive materials: answer keys, tests, cumulative reviews, worksheet maker and software Soft-Pak ($9.60 USD).
Skills Review Workbook
This workbook is supplemental, and provides additional practice for the topics in the curriculum. I recommend you purchase it only once you are sure the student does need supplemental practice. It is made to match the U.S. version of the curriculum but matches the Canadian version well also; only the money-related exercises will not apply. Learn more.
At the heart of the curriculum are two student worktexts (A and B), each covering about half a year of math work. These worktexts contain all the instruction and the exercises in the same book — which makes lesson preparation a breeze. The worktexts are written directly to the student, and thus they allow many children (if they can read) to teach themselves and to learn directly from the books.
You will also get separate answer keys, chapter tests, additional cumulative reviews (I do recommend you use at least some of them), and a versatile worksheet maker (Internet access required) for those times when your child needs just a bit more practice.
This curriculum is essentially the same as the U.S. version of Math Mammoth Grade 3, only customised for the Canadian audience in these aspects:
- The currency used in the chapter on money is the Canadian dollar. (The download
versions for these grades also include that chapter for US, British, European, South African, Australian and New Zealand currencies.)
- The curriculum teaches the metric measurement units. Imperial units, such as inches and pounds, are not used.
- The spelling conforms mostly to American English, taking into account a few key differences where Canadian English follows British English.
- Numbers are formatted with a space as a thousands separator, and a point as a decimal separator.
- Page (paper) size is Letter.
The US version of the curriculum is aligned to the Common Core Standards, which means this curriculum may not be properly aligned to the third grade standards in your province.
However, you can probably find material for any missing topics in neighbouring grades, which means you can simply re-order the material to solve most incompatibilities between different standards.
- Math Mammoth focuses on conceptual understanding. It explains the "WHY", so your children can understand the math, not just learn "HOW" to do it.
- Concepts are often explained with visual models, followed by exercises using those models. These visual models can take the place of manipulatives for many children; however, it is very easy to add corresponding manipulatives to the lessons if so desired.
- The curriculum is mastery-oriented. This means it concentrates fairly long on a topic, delving into its various aspects. This promotes conceptual understanding, as opposed to spiral curricula that often tend to jump from topic to topic too much.
- There is a strong emphasis on mental math and number sense.
- It requires very little teacher preparation, which is a big help to most parents.

- The curriculum has no separate teacher's manual nor is it scripted. The introduction to each chapter has some notes for the teacher concerning the material in the chapter. All the instruction is written directly to the student in the worktext, and there also exist accompanying videos where you can see Maria herself teach the material.
- After each chapter introduction, you will find a list of Internet links and resources (games, quizzes, animations, etc.) that can be used for fun, illustrations and further practice.
- For multiplication tables and division facts, you can use our online practice program (free). Visit the pages for Multiplication Tables Online Practice and Division Facts Online Practice
Additional features for the download version
- The wortexts use Canadian currency, but the chapter on money (chapter 5) is additionally provided in six other currencies: US, British, European, Australian, New Zealand, and South African. You will automatically get all these versions when you buy the digital version of Grade 3 Curriculum (download).
- The PDF files can be filled in on a computer, phone, or tablet, using the annotation tools found in many PDF apps. Learn more.
- BONUS! The download version also comes with BONUS Soft-Pak programs. The 6 programs in Soft-Pak (4 math, 1 language arts, 1 list maker) offer both on-screen and printable activities in a low-graphic, high content format. Read more and see screenshots.
Overview of topics
Third grade is a time for learning and mastering two (mostly new) operations: multiplication and division within
100. The student also deepens his understanding of addition and subtraction, and uses those in many different
contexts, such as with money, time, and geometry.
The main areas of study in Math Mammoth Grade 3 are:
- Students develop an understanding of multiplication and division of whole numbers through problems
involving equal-sized groups, arrays, and area models. They learn the relationship between multiplication
and division, and solve many word problems involving multiplication and division (chapters 3, 4, and 8). They learn the multiplication tables, and learn how to use their knowledge of multiplication tables to solve basic division facts.
- Students develop an understanding of fractions, beginning with unit fractions. They use fractions along with
visual fraction models and on a number line. They also compare fractions by using visual fraction models
and strategies based on noticing equal numerators or denominators (chapter 11).
- Students learn the concepts of area and perimeter. They relate area to multiplication and to addition,
recognize perimeter as a linear measure (in contrast with area), and solve problems involving area and
perimeter (chapter 10).
- Students fluently add and subtract within 1-1000, both mentally and in columns (with regrouping). They learn
to add and subtract 4-digit numbers, and use addition and subtraction in problem solving (chapters 1, 2 and 7).
Additional topics we study are time (chapter 5), money (chapter 6), measuring (chapter 9), and bar graphs and
pictographs (in chapter 8).
The earlier, 2021, edition includes a lesson on Roman numerals, which has been dropped from the 2024 edition. However, if you want your child or students to study the topic, you can download the lesson here: Roman Numerals and Roman Numerals Answer Key.
Please also see the table of contents 3-A and 3-B (in the sample files), which will let you see the topics covered in more detail.

Here is a list of manipulatives that are needed or recommended for grade 3. Measuring tapes, scales, and measuring cups are only used in the measuring chapter.
- An old-fashioned alarm clock or other analog clock where you can turn the minute hand and the hour hand will turn as it is supposed to (optional; for 3-A).
- A ruler that measures in centimetres (for 3-B).
- A measuring tape that measures in metres (for 3-B).
- A kitchen scale that measures in grams (for 3-B).
- A measuring cup that measures in millilitres (for 3-B).
- Fraction manipulatives. The curriculum contains printables to make your own fraction manipulatives. The text uses visual pie models extensively, and students even learn to draw them themselves for the exercises, therefore making or buying the manipulatives is entirely optional (optional; for 3-B).
Reviews / Testimonials of the 3rd grade curriculum
I started homeschooling my son halfway through second grade for dyslexia. We finished 2nd Grade, Light Blue, Math Mammoth by the end of that summer. It was the perfect precursor to 3rd Grade Math Mammoth. I often recommend 2nd and 3rd grade Math Mammoth to older students who are struggling due to missing some of the basics, especially those students who are visual learners. We continued Math Mammoth through the Pre-Algebra curricula. My son went back to public school in 7th grade in the accelerated math class. He just finished 8th grade with an A+ in high-school-level Algebra. He will take Geometry as a freshman. I highly recommend the earlier grades of Light Blue Math Mammoth for anyone of any age who is struggling with math mastery.
Deb Tunwall, Iowa City, IA
June 2024
Maria, I wanted to thank you for such a wonderfully effective and affordable math curriculum. Last year, I used the light blue series with my 3rd grader in our first and only year of homeschool. This year, she returned to public school and was ranked in the 88th percentile on standardized beginning of the year math testing. What a relief to know Math Mammoth was what she needed to stay on grade level and in step with her peers! She’s come home on several occasions beaming with pride with her success in math at school. Many, many thanks from a grateful mom!!
Hilary E
October 2021
Prior to using Math Mammoth, we had been using Teaching Textbooks for 2 years. Sad to say that those two years left my ten year old pretty behind. I looked at several different programs, but ultimately chose Math Mammoth (MM). The cost was the final tie breaker between this and Singapore. It's been wonderful! I really like the mastery approach as opposed to the spiral approach of Teaching Textbooks (TT). We came from grade 4 from TT but decided to start at grade 3 in MM to relay the foundation for my son and I'm glad we did. It's easily understood(for me), the concepts are easy to teach, and I appreciate the links at the beginning of each chapter for further practice. There were a few sites with games to learn the Roman numerals that really helped us both! Math is not my strong area but we both enjoy this curriculum and there is zero fight to do math every day. I'm honestly feeling more confident in my teaching abilities after using this curriculum for a few months, because it's helping me to better understand certain math concepts as well. I recommend it in any homeschool Facebook group I'm in, whereas I used to recommend TT, because hey, who doesn t love being able to say, "Go do your math!" and let the computer do the work for you? Definitely learned that one the hard way.
- A Gonzalez, Co-op Member
September 2019
Math Mammoth has been very inviting for my son - it provides a lot of guidance on how to do a problem using mental math methods. It provides grids that he can use, which help him know when he should/could write the problem down and show his regrouping work. It eventually weans the kids off of these grids. My son now feels comfortable with the methods, and will tackle a problem mentally if possible, but will readily write it down if necessary. Another advantage is that all of the instruction and worksheets are included in the text. I appreciate that all of the grade levels are included for a very economical price. I ordered this program at the end of our 3rd quarter of 3rd grade, and I have been having my son move quickly through the 3rd grade work to touch on areas where he was weak or cover material he has missed. This leaves us in a good position to start off 4th grade next year. I'll be having my 2nd grader use this program next year as well, and we are looking forward to it!
Math Mammoth is working out great for my kids, and me. It isn't as complicated to teach/prep as some other curricula we've tried (Singapore and Saxon), but I really feel it covers everything really well. Kids don't mind doing the worksheets... they mix it up so it doesn't get too boring and tedious. We did the 3rd grade program this year for my at level daughter and 1st grade advanced son. I don't make him do quite as many problems (my 3rd grader does them all) since he has the ability, but not really the patience to do as many. We plan on using the 4th grade program next school year. Buying it through the co-op is an amazing value for such a great program.
- Janet, Co-op Member is the perfect blend of easy and challenging for Mr. C.
It's easy to understand but the lessons still give him a real challenge.
In one lesson Mr. C was working on mental addition of 2 and 3 digit numbers and he loved challenging himself to get the answers quicker and quicker. While some curriculums might simply say "do the problem in your head", Math Mammoth broke the lesson down step by step to give Mr. C different tips and tricks to solve mental addition in easier ways.
Read the full review at This Outnumbered Mama blog.
By Kaylene
I spent quite a bit of time researching which Math curriculum to use when I started homeschooling my 3rd and 5th grade kids. This was exactly what I hoped to find when I went looking. The placement test helped confirm which level to use. The material is easy to understand, yet challenging. We all love it and will continue to use it!
E. Allen
Thank you for creating Mammoth Math! It is beautifully and incrementally organized to promote student learning, makes the kids think, has excellent problem solving throughout, and follows the Common Core better than most curricula. All this for a superb price, especially since teachers pay for much of what is provided in their classrooms!
Cheryle Pope
How and where to order
You can buy Math Mammoth Canadian version:
- As a digital version on this site ( — using the "Add to cart" buttons.
- As a print version at Lulu. Follow the links from this site to Lulu.
Also available:
Math Mammoth Grades 1-4 Bundle, Canadian Version (digital download), USD $112.50
Get grades 1-4 in a discounted bundle — 33% off!
Math Mammoth Grades 5-8 Bundle, Canadian Version, $112.50 USD
Get grades 5-8 in a discounted bundle — 33% off! This means you save $56.67 USD (or the equivalent in your currency).
Note: The grades 5-8 bundle currently includes the Canadian version for grades 5, 6, and 8 and the U.S. version for grade 7.
We decided to offer this bundle prior to us publishing the grade 7 CA version, so that people can get the discount when purchasing a bundle.
The main possible issue is that the U.S. version of grade 7 uses customary units (inches, feet, miles, pounds, gallons) in several places. However, since Canadians are typically familiar with these, it will probably not pose a big problem.
By having purchased this bundle, you can get the CA version of grade 7 for free once it is published (please contact us for it).
By purchasing any of the books, permission IS granted for the purchaser (teacher or parent) to reproduce this material to be used with his/her students in a teaching situation; not for commercial resale. Please note: you are not permitted to share the material with other teachers or parents.
In other words, you are permitted to make copies for the students/children you are teaching, but not for other teachers' usage.