
Convert between customary and metric units of measurement (6th grade math)

Learn how to convert between customary (U.S) and metric measurement units using conversion factors. Each time, you either multiply or divide by the conversion factor, but which? One way to know that is to think whether we need MORE or FEWER of the units we're converting to, than the units we have.

The video below continues the lesson. We solve two word problems related to both metric and customary measurement units. In the first, we need to find the total weight of several items in kilograms, when the individual weights are given in pounds & ounces. In the second, we find the unit price – price per ounce – of two shampoo bottles, but the volume of one of them is given in milliliters.

See also

Basics of the metric system and the prefixes

Convert metric units

Convert customary units

Math Mammoth Grade 6 curriculum

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