Get a free book from Math Mammoth!

book cover Hi! Maria Miller here, and I'm offering you a FREE copy of one of my books. 😀

Math Mammoth Measuring 1 is a worktext that covers measuring length, weight, and volume for grades 1-3.

The book contains both the teaching and the exercises, is easy to teach from, and requires very little teacher preparation.

The lessons concentrate on hands-on exercises where the student actually measures things. I have included only a few problems about conversions between measuring units; students will study those more in later grades.

Download it (PDF file) from the link below — NO STRINGS ATTACHED:


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Maria's Math Tips

Take a peek at some previous volumes:

  • September 2024: MM news, calendar activities, request, how would you solve 31 x 12, and just for fun!
  • March 2024: MM news, showing work for math word problems, geometry scrapbook, calendar activities, and just for fun!
  • November 2023: MM news, What about grading?, A basic principle of math teaching: Remember the Goals, division with remainders, just for fun!
  • November 2022: Resources for telling time, algebraic puzzle, Make number sentences - a NEW game, concerning mental math, and just for fun!
  • May 2020: A fraction chart, the math game that's worth 1,000 worksheets, the impossible sum puzzle, A Kid's Guide to Saving: An Interactive Workbook, and just for fun!
  • January 2020: A number talk, Deep Sea, number-grid game, mathematical art: afghans and origami, Two-Dice Sum game, and lots of "just for fun"!
  • May 2019: Mental math online practice, Thoughts on testing, Fraction Fill-In game, dice games
  • February 2019: Exponent rules, Toy Theater games, Infinity Tiles, Magic Crosses and Matador Dominoes puzzles
  • November 2018: Preschool math with a 100-bead abacus; abacus and the concept of division; worksheets for the order of operations; perfect parent; a word problem with NO question...?!?!
  • November 2017: Four principles of deeply effective math teaching, why is fraction math so difficult, Fraction America, Sassy Cents
  • April 2016: Measurement lessons, ICT math games, a lesson on budgeting, news about primes
  • October 2015: Addition facts videos, interactive tool for area & perimeter, awesome math dictionary